Owner Request for Strata Council Hearing

Under the Strata Property Act, owners are entitled to request a hearing at a Strata Council Meeting (SCM) that must be held within four weeks of the hearing request. The owner or tenant, if authorized by the owner, must state the reason for the request in writing. Following the hearing, Council must provide the applicant with a written decision within one week.

Request for Strata Council Hearing

Strata Lot Information

I (the applicant as above), am requesting a hearing, as allowed by our bylaws and the Strata Property Act of BC, before the Strata Council, as they are the governing body for the strata corporation, to discuss the following issues(s):

(set out details of subject including incidents and the remedy being sough; any photos or additional information should be sent to your Strata Agent to provide to Council).

  • I confirm that I am a registered owner or long-term tenant of the strata lot listed above.
  • I agree to act in a courteous and professional manner in regards to my dealings with the strata council and their agent(s), and that failure to do so may result in my hearing and any issue being tabled until further notice at the discretion of the council.
  • I acknowledge that I will not abuse my right to request a hearing and/or act in a vexatious manner to disrupt the operation of the council or the strata corporation.
  • I acknowledge that I will be granted up to 20minutes, unless additional time is granted by Council, to present by attestation and data for the council’s review during the hearing. If more time is required, you must ensure the council is aware prior to the hearing date.
  • I acknowledge that the hearing will be noted in the strata meeting minutes and some personal details may be listed in the minutes to identify my strata lot, the issues at hand, and the council’s decision.
  • I acknowledge that I have attempted to resolve my concerns prior to the request of this hearing.